[Print this page; fill out the form; then mail to the address at the bottom.]

USS Canopus Association

                                            Membership Form


This information is strictly for the sole use of the USS Canopus Association and will never be

used for commercial purposes.  








City:                                                                State:                                      Zip:


Telephone number:                                      


Email address:


Years served:               to




Ship’s Division/Shop:


Nickname aboard ship, if you had one:


Dues                                                        AS-9 and Widow/Widower Honorary Members:  Free


If you wish to support the USS Canopus Association, please forward the following dues.


Lifetime                  $100       ……………………………………………………….  $ _________

                                    You will be sent a USS Canopus Lifer membership card.


New member           $20       ……………………………………………………….  $ _________


Renewing for 2009  $10       ……………………………………………………….  $ _________


Renewing for 2010  $10       ……………………………………………………….  $ _________


Renewing for 2011  $10       ……………………………………………………….  $ _________


In return for paying any of the above dues, you will be sent one free challenge coin or keychain.
Circle the style you prefer:  coin    keychain


If you need more information, feel free to call me at 503-689-1712 or email me at usscanopus@mail.com.

Please make your check made payable to the USS Canopus Association and send to:


                     USS Canopus Association

                     c/o Richard Retin

                     2245 Wintercreek Way SE

                     Salem, OR 97306



For those shipmates that had more than one tour of duty aboard the Canopus.


Tour 2


Years served:              to




Ship’s division/shop:


Tour 3


Years served:              to 




Ship’s division/shop: