Dennis Pepe OM3, working on a pressure gage July 1968 taken in the FMCL

Dennis Pepe OMSN and one of the "Bar Maids" from the strip in Rota, June 1967.

Jim Rawn OM2 November 1969 working on a pressure gage calibration in the FMCL.

Jim Rawn OM3 July 1968 at an impromptu baseball game with another RT division shop team.

Jim Rawn OM3 November 1968 Relaxing with a cup of coffee in the "Shop" (FMCL).

John Berryman October 1968 stiring up a Halloween "Witches Brew" of dry ice and water in the Optical Shop.

My Stereo system in the FMCL November 1968.
Gotta have my tunes!

Steve Fugate and Manuel Rico relaxing in the Optical shop in June of 1967.

Michael Guy, from the Deck Division November 1968, relaxing in the FMCL waiting for me to get ready so we could go on liberty.

Michael Guy, from the Deck Division, July 1967 on liberty in the Tokyo Bar with one of the "Bar Maids".

The Mess Deck July 1967

Sunset over the breakwater July 1968

An approaching storm July 1968

Leaving Rota Spain headed to Norfolk April 1969

Alcatraz Island, coming into San Francisco May 1969

One of Charlie Meyers' OM1 (right side of table in back) favorite activities. Late 1968

Charlie's other favorite activity. Late 1968

Dennis Pepe OM3 and Mike Guy BM3 on deck during trip from Rota back to the States, notice the cars secured to the deck. Smaller cars were lowered into the missle plug area.
April 1969

A 1200 pound ping pong table (Granite surface plate). This gets interesting when under way and the ship is pitching port to starboard. April 1969

Janet Rawn (Jim's Wife) and George Ison at a division party in a water baloon tossing contest. Late 1968

A better Photo of Janet Rawn. Late 1968

Entering the Panama Canal. April/May 1969

Inside the first lock of the Panama Canal. April/May 1969

Larry Austin OM3, Jim Rawn OM2 Dennis Pepe OM3 and Doug Buenger OM3 on deck during the trip from Rota to the States. April 1969

Passing under the San Francisco Bay Bridge. May 1969

Leaving San Francisco headed to Bremerton, Washington. May 1969

One of the "Mules" at the Panama Canal. April/May 1969

Dennis Pepe OM3 relaxing during the trip from Rota to the States. April 1969

Another of Rota's Bar Maids. 1969

Another of Rota's Bar Maids. 1969

Another of Rota's Bar Maids. 1969

When we're underway, there isn't much else to do. April 1969

Needs no explination, speaks for itself.

USS Canopus September 68

Steve Fugate in the Optical Shop August 1967

Blake Fritz OM1 and his ever present cigar August 1967

David E. Wheelock OM3 August 1967

FMCL August 1967

USS Holland coming to relieve Canopus June 1969

USS Charles F. Adams DDG-2 visiting Rota March 1968

Supply ship March 1968

USS Topeka CLG-8 and USS Columbus CAG-12 in Rota
March 1968

USO Show on the Helo Deck Summer 1968

Another of Rota's bar maids August 1967