

Pictures of some of our initial Officers that help make the Canopus the great ship that she became.




Our beloved 1st CO, Captain Barrett



Our wonderful 2nd CO, Captain Eaton



We just got the color lab in time for his annual portrait

Our 1st XO, "Marvelous Marv" Scoggins



Commissioning crew, Supply Department Officers


Commissioning crew, Repair Department Officers

in front is the super great Commander Fox


Captain Trueblood, Commanding Officer, USS Canopus presents Captain William E. Sims, Commander Submarine Squadron SIXTEEN with a $22,407.81 check for the combined Welfare and Recreation fund. This represents CANOPUS Ship’s Store profits for the four months ending February 29th. Gross sales of $202,861.61 during the period set a record high for SUB­LANT Tenders. Commander Howe, Jr. Supply Officer (far right), and Ltjg McIntyre, Ship’s Store Officer (far left) look on.           Text from Helmsman May 1968 issue.


Promotion to Lieutenant: Captain Trueblood, LT Howard Albright, unknown, LT McIntyre

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