
Items previously on the
home page that has now been placed in storage.
Retin & Ed Pado
2009 Rota Trip Report
got back from our trip to Rota and southern Spain on Friday, February
27, 2009. Go to the travel blog I kept up during the trip to
see where we went and what we did: 
As previously
reported, all the American style bars are gone. The building that was
once the Suzie bar and is now an ice cream and pastry store that has
been rebuilt, but looks amazingly similar:
We were extremely
lucky to find a Chief that works on the base and could be our escort.
The Spanish military now totally run the base, and therefore we were
highly restricted as to where we could go and the photos we could take.
We could not go down to the pier area or to the air base. We could not
even get into the Exchange to buy souvenirs. Therefore we have decided
that it will not be practical to hold a reunion in Rota for the
foreseeable future.
View my walk up San
Fernando Ave. and a couple bar locations: 
Be a Rota Rooter again - Rota Bar
you on the Canopus in 1987-1991?
If so, you need to
checkout Tom Denton's scrapbook. It has one of the
best collection of crewmembers photos I have seen to
date. He had a eye for the ladies, so if you were
one of the female crewmembers, your photo or one of your shipmates, may
be there: 
the Canopus Underway your computer desktop wallpaper: 
Canopus from the
viewpoint of a SSBN: 
Cruise Books:
Our historical archives now has all 4 known cruise books.
Many thanks to Joe Midgette (EMFR - 1974-1976 - R-3 Rubber
& Plastics Shop) for donating the previously missing "1975
That Championship Season" to the Assocation.
Marines: Drop your socks, grab your
weapons and man the new USS Canopus Association Marine Detachment
Marines are becoming more active in the Association and have sent in
group photos. I have decided to quarter them on the
2nd Deck
just forward of the Mess Deck:
Holy Loch Update
Super Canopus Lifer Jim Hulse
decided he wanted a Guinness, so he left his home in Buffalo New York
and went to Sinbad’s.
there he took a few pictures to share with his shipmates. Click on
plaque to go to his photo page:

Rota Harbor Update
third pier
was under construction in February 2009.
Fred Beebe
(HT2 - 1976-1980 - R-1 Flex Hose and Pipe Shop) sent us a set of photos
of the completed pier. Not
sure how he came by it. When Ed Pado and I were there in
2009, we
were told we may be shot if we were seen with a camera!

M. Perry
Its weigh anchor for the
Old Lady USS Canopus (AS-9). GHOSTS OF CANOPUS is a 196 page
picture-book about the USS Canopus (AS-9) and her crew as prisoners of
war of the Japanese.
Ordering information, sample photos and a link to a 12 page PDF for
closer examination of the quality of this publication is available by
clicking here: 
A must for families and friends of the USS Canopus
(AS-9), done as a professional labor of love.
E. Perry
Old Canopus
Cruise Book
Amazing AS-9 cruise book of
China, Japan and Philippines during the 1930's.
Although there a lots of
pictures of the old Canopus, subs and other ships, some of pictures are
disturbingly graphic depictions of the results of war and famine.
Click on photo to go to the
webpage containing the slideshow:

Enough of Canopus?
You been
all through this website, looked for your buddies in the Shipmates List, spent
days viewing all the Photos and Videos, and found your
working compartment and bunk in the Blueprints.
to Home Page:
© USS Canopus Association inc.
All rights reserved